Total Loss Dispute: BMW M3 Coupe with 209,105 Miles
Claim Background:
- Vehicle: BMW M3 Coupe with 209,105 Miles
- Initial Valuation by State Farm Insurance: $19,121.00.
- Valuation by St. Lucie Appraisal Company: $26,874.10.
Dispute Resolution:
- Appraisal Clause Invoked: State Farm hired Ron Bartlett of Appraisal Express.
- Settlement: The dispute was settled for $22,500.00, without the need for an umpire.
Client Benefits:
- Investment: $550.00 for appraisal and representation fees.
- Additional Compensation: $2,829.00 received above State Farm’s initial valuation.
- If your car or truck was totaled, consider pursuing a total loss dispute.
- Appraisal Fee: $275.00.
- Negotiation Representation Fee: $275.00.
- Contact: or call 772-359-4300.